Training Panel


  • Establishing and, if necessary, periodically updating common guidelines for training and further training for the professional practice of Ayurveda
  • Networking of the training institutes
  • Orientation and implementation support for members


  • National recognition of training and advanced training courses and resulting outlines of professions


Berger, Anja (VEAT – Verband Europäischer Ayurveda-Mediziner und -Therapeuten e.V.)
Dr. med. Gupta, Hedwig (DÄGAM – Deutsche Ärztegesellschaft für Ayurveda-Medizin e. V., vidya sagar Akademie für Ayurveda und Yogatherapie)
Hess, Mona (Berufsverband der Yoga und Ayurveda-Therapeuten e.V.)
Dr. phil. Kumar, Syal (Akademische Fachgesellschaft Indische Medizin)
Rosenberg, Kerstin (Rosenberg Europäische Akademie für Ayurveda)
Schwarz, Doris (Andreas Schwarz Ayurveda- und Yoga- Ausbildungen)
Seegebart, Heike (Ayurveda Praxis und Ausbildung Heike Seegebarth)

(German only) Quality Criteria Guidelines for Ayurveda Training Courses

If you have any questions concerning the guidelines and their implementation, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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