Training Panel
- Establishing and, if necessary, periodically updating common guidelines for training and further training for the professional practice of Ayurveda
- Networking of the training institutes
- Orientation and implementation support for members
- National recognition of training and advanced training courses and resulting outlines of professions
Berger, Anja (VEAT – Verband Europäischer Ayurveda-Mediziner und -Therapeuten e.V.)
Dr. med. Gupta, Hedwig (DÄGAM – Deutsche Ärztegesellschaft für Ayurveda-Medizin e. V., vidya sagar Akademie für Ayurveda und Yogatherapie)
Hess, Mona (Berufsverband der Yoga und Ayurveda-Therapeuten e.V.)
Dr. phil. Kumar, Syal (Akademische Fachgesellschaft Indische Medizin)
Rosenberg, Kerstin (Rosenberg Europäische Akademie für Ayurveda)
Schwarz, Doris (Andreas Schwarz Ayurveda- und Yoga- Ausbildungen)
Seegebart, Heike (Ayurveda Praxis und Ausbildung Heike Seegebarth)
If you have any questions concerning the guidelines and their implementation, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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